Boat Building Lumber
Boat lumber is usually very high grade wood. Boat builders like very dense grained old growth for their projects. They cannot use kiln dried stock because the cellular structure of the wood changes during the drying process and cannot withstand constant use in water.
With air dried old growth recycled lumber, the high grain density, stability, and consistency of the reclaimed wood is ideal for boat restorations and construction. We remill boat lumber to your specifications.
Crossroads had a great time supplying timber for the restoration of the Schooner "Wawona" and Tugboat "Arthur Foss" in Seattle. We really love these old boats.
Click here to visit Northwest Seaport website to learn more about these boats.
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More information about the Wawona Pacific Schooner

More information about the Arthur Foss Tugboat
Some of our favorite links for wooden boats. We have worked with and supplied various folks in all of these organizations:
Zodiac Schooner In 1993 we supplied some of the most beautiful boat planking for the Schooner Zodiac. She is the largest working Schooner on the West Coast.
Coastal Heritage Alliance Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle Northwest Maritime Center and Wooden Boat foundation in Port Townsend Wa